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07 June 2019

Your money... their friends

"Balls-Deep" Bains curiously quiet on intimate relationship with Irving Shipbuilding...insert alt text here
Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Navdeep Singh Bains and his department silent on how many times they’ve alerted the Irvings about journalists.

I sent questions to Bains’ office and to the Innovation department about their policy. Here are some of the questions that weren’t answered:

• How many times since the fall of 2015 has the department shared information with Irving about journalists?
• How many times since the fall of 2015 has the department shared information with other defence and aerospace firms about journalists?
•Who in the department or Mr. Bain’s office contacted the Irvings?
•Does the Privacy Act apply to your department and if so do you consider providing information about journalists a violation of that law?
•Who in Mr. Bain’s office or the department co-ordinated with the Irvings on the proposed lawsuit against the Globe and Mail?
•Do you intend to share this Postmedia information/my personal information with the Irvings?
Navdeep Bains, Navdeep Bains... I've heard that name before.