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04 June 2019

I'm so old, I can remember...

...when asking questions wouldn't get you lynched...insert alt text here
America had plenty of guns when its mass murder rate was much lower. Given the same [historical] ubiquity of guns, wouldn't the most productive question be what, if anything, has changed since the 1960s and '70s [when these events suddenly spiked?

Of course it would. And a great deal has changed.

America is much more ethnically diverse, much less religious. Boys have far fewer male role models in their lives. Fewer men marry, and normal boy behavior is largely held in contempt by their feminist teachers, principals and therapists.

Do any or all of those factors matter more than the availability of guns?

Let's briefly investigate each factor.

RELATED: Dodgeball is a tool of “oppression.insert alt text here
This “hidden curriculum” in dodgeball is far more nefarious than your average gym class runaround. Dodgeball is “miseducative” because it “reinforces the five faces of oppression.