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03 May 2019

Lawyers 1... Thought Police 0

Resistance is not futile...insert alt text here
Klippenstein refused to comply with the SOP, and wound down his law firm to a one-man show so no one else would suffer the consequences he expected.

“For all of my adult life, I have worked to advance social justice. Now I am horrified by what my own professional regulator is doing in the name of that same cause…

Our regulator was demanding that lawyers and paralegals draft and then obey a set of specific political ideas — both in their personal and professional lives — as a condition of their licence.”

RELATED: In other, "the law is an ass" news...insert alt text here
EDMONTON—An Alberta man has won an appeal to serve his sentence in the community after he accidentally shot and injured his girlfriend during sex.

Both Bergh, then 32, and his girlfriend had been consuming intoxicants throughout the night. Bergh took acid, cocaine and alcohol.

In an appeal of the sentence, Bergh argued the judge overemphasized his criminal record and alcohol use.