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14 April 2019

You can lay serious money on that

"It seems to indicate though that a ban would result in a political backlash."insert alt text here
“A wide range of approaches and ideas were discussed, which suggests that a multifaceted approach is needed to address this issue rather than implementing a ban in isolation”.
Translation: He could do it... but he won't have a single, solitary rural MP left in the whole freakin' country.


RELATED: Make 'em SUPER DOUBLE ILLEGAL!!!most wanted
Singer Stevie Wonder stressed his belief that “we must have stronger gun laws” when he spoke at the memorial service for Nipsey Hussle on Thursday. He did not mention that the shooting death of Hussle took place in California, a state which arguably has the most stringent gun controls in the U.S.
What part of "criminals don't obey laws" do these knuckleheads not understand?

How does taking away my legal registered firearms stop inner city gangbangers from killing people?



If only there was a law prohibiting car-to-car gunfights...
"Witnesses reported seeing two vehicles travelling at a high rate of speed near Islington Avenue and Poplar Heights Drive when a passenger in one of those vehicles began firing at the other vehicle, Toronto Police said."