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01 April 2019

It's not about all the dopers...'s about Jussie T and the "power of love"...insert alt text here
"Buckley was one of those who queued early to become pot pioneers. They were young hipsters and old hippies, white, black, Asian, Indigenous and more, and ultimately, a vivid cross-section of how Toronto looks."
Good grief, you can almost hear "Peter, Paul & Mary" singing sweetly in the background. Of course, it's not actually the first brick and mortar dope outlet in Ontario.

Travel to the Bay of Quinte Mohawk Reserve and take your pick of the estimated four dozen "smoke shops" that have been fiercely competing with one another since last year. No dope tax bonanza here.


RELATED: Splitting the medical atom...insert alt text here
In one of the production rooms of Legacy 420, the first marijuana retail outlet to open in the Mohawk community of Tyendinaga, Seaira Maracle, 28, brews a cannabis ointment based on a traditional recipe for arthritis.

"I learned it from my Elders, from my grandfathers," said Maracle, whose job title is alchemist.