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08 April 2019

If you take a careful look back...

...nobody can say we weren't warned...insert alt text here
“We have to realize that the way of thinking that got us to this place no longer holds. We have to rethink elements as basic as space and time, to go all science fictiony on you in this sense.”

The Justin Theory of Space-Time... sounds similar to the refrain from that animated character Buzz Lightyear, from the movie Toy Story.

Perhaps at some point he’ll reveal his views on the economy, the Income Tax Act or relations with Taiwan.
So Canada ends up with the reciprocal of Michael Ignatieff.


RELATED: Race relations will balance itself
Days after Justin Trudeau told the United Nations that his government was working hard to improve the quality of life for indigenous peoples in Canada, it has emerged that his government spent more than $110,000 in legal fees to avoid spending $6,000 on orthodontics for a First Nations teenager suffering from chronic pain.
And then there's Jussie's well thought-out foreign policy.