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07 March 2019

Silence of the BLMs

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Hewan Wilson, 50, of Mississauga, was arrested on Feb. 24 in his 2018 Toyota Highlander. Police found and seized 16 guns in total – seven handguns, three shotguns, six rifles – as well as two over-capacity magazines. They also found four kilograms of heroin and half an ounce of cocaine.

This is not a street-level dealer,” Toronto police Insp. Joe Matthews said at a news conference at police headquarters.
Apparently, Justin Trudeau thinks banning my perfectly legal, registered firearms will have an effect on Hewan & company. Seems a little optimistic to me.



No gun... no problem...insert alt text here
Toronto police say they’ve made an arrest in the city’s 11th homicide of 2019. Police have named Jason Otis Lewis, 47, as the person bludgeoned to death in an apartment at 133 Broadway Ave. Monday. A man previously identified as his brother, Quentin Luke Lewis, 42, is being held.