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03 March 2019

From the folks who brought you...

...female genital mutilation AND cousin marriage...

Pakistan plans to lodge a complaint against India at the United Nations, accusing it of “eco-terrorism” over air strikes that damaged pine trees and brought the nuclear-armed nations to blows, a government minister said on Friday.

Two Reuters reporters who visited the site of the bombings said up to 15 pine trees had been brought down by the blasts.
You think I'm exaggerating the risk here?

Think again...insert alt text here
Operational deployment of Pakistani nuclear weapons during military standoffs is likely to include only rudimentary protections against inadvertent or unauthorised nuclear release.
Now, there's a bunch of words you don't want to see in the same sentence.


RELATED: Remember who you're dealing with here...insert alt text here
Pakistan's top civilian and military leadership knew about Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden's presence in the country much before the US Navy SEALs killed him in a raid in 2011, the then defence minister of Pakistan has claimed.

Mr Mukhtar's admissions come on the heels of investigative reporter Seymour Hersh's claim that a Pakistani agent had leaked to the US Osama's Abbottabad hideout address.
Pakistan is no friend of the west... forget that fact at your peril.