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04 March 2019

Ask a hoary old Eco-Warrior

Ms. Occasional Cortex gets schooled...insert alt text here
Patrick Moore, the co-founder of Greenpeace, lectured Democrat darling and chatterbox Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on the rules of life. Moore opened up with the best line of the week… “Pompous little twit.

AOC’s attitude is unjustifiably condescending. She is a neophyte pretending to be wise. Her kind bring ruination if allowed to be “in charge”.

Then he went on to explain the impossibility of heating homes without fossil fuels.

RELATED: It's not easy being green
Since declaring her candidacy in May 2017, Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign heavily relied on those combustible-engine cars — even though a subway station was just 138 feet from her Elmhurst campaign office.

In all, Ocasio-Cortez spent $29,365.70 on those emissions-spewing vehicles, along with car and van rentals — even though her Queens HQ was a one-minute walk to the #7 train.

LAST WORD: AOC's dirty money...insert alt text here
"An FEC complaint filed Monday charges Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, her Chief of Staff, and others with using two PACs and LLCs to hide hundreds of thousands in campaign dollars."
Funny... she's still screaming about Trump's taxes.