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17 January 2019

You might just wanna scratch...

...Burkina Fasshole off your vacation list...insert alt text here
Government officials in Burkina Faso have confirmed geologist Kirk Woodman from Halifax has been found dead after being kidnapped in the west African country. The news comes soon after Sherbrooke native Edith Blais and her Italian friend Luca Tacchetto were reported missing in the west African nation.

"It's a terrible thing, a terrible thing. We understood since the Canadian diplomat Robert Fowler was kidnapped in Niger that part of the world had changed ... with the introduction of Islamic fundamentalists.
The capricious and unknowable Will of Allah... yet again.

TORONTO -- A Toronto-area woman, Rehab Dughmosh, who admitted to attacking workers at a Canadian Tire store in July 2017 with a golf club and butcher knife in an effort to help ISIL has been found guilty of several terror charges.

LAST WORD: As Canadian as a Witch Doctor
“NAIROBI, Kenya — A Canadian national and five other people suspected of helping extremist gunmen stage a deadly attack in the Kenyan capital this week appeared in court on Friday as prosecutors investigated them for suspected terror offenses.