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05 January 2019

Paying the price...

...for Justin's "post national" state...insert alt text here
If you had to go to a hospital emergency room through the holidays, chances are you had a long wait to see a doctor.

Shellann Wallace saw that first-hand when she took her 18-year-old daughter, born with a heart condition and having chest pains, to Humber River Hospital on the Friday evening before Christmas.

I couldn’t believe it,” she said. “I thought we were in a third-world country.”
Actually, you're in a third world country, you'd know it...
Witch doctors claim albino body parts can help cure health problems, bring the consumer good luck, and help politicians win elections. Traditional healers will often pay high prices for albino body parts to use in allegedly curing potions and spiritual rituals.

RELATED: My personal best, er... worst
The last time I went to the Emergency Room... I spent seven and a half hours sitting on my ass with a sick, fevered child.