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08 November 2018

Justin Trudeau to crack down on..., hunters... wait a minute... that's the big bust at the border where they wouldn't give a name...insert alt text here
"The Oct. 31 arrest of 50-year-old Rima Mansour of Toronto, who is facing 27 gun trafficking charges, led officers to carry out 13 search warrants in Toronto and neighbouring Peel and Durham regions."
Just another "irregular firearms owner."


RELATED: Smell the "cultural relativity"
"If this was Fred Smith, avid deer hunter & target shooter, CBC would be planning a four part Marketplace "Tools of Satan" extravaganza. They'd be following poor Freddie to the crapper."

LAST WORD: Register social workers, not guns...
A mental health crisis team chose not to involuntarily commit Thousand Oaks gunman Ian David Long for mental health evaluation and treatment in April of this year.
So, they had him, they assessed him... they let him go. How about we eliminate drunk-driving by banning cars?