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06 October 2018

Sorry, brah... it aint' the U of T chess club

most wantedIt's not impossible at all... just take a look at the shooters and the shootees...
"It's impossible to know what proportion of guns used in homicides in Canada are possessed illegally. That type of data isn't collected nationally, a spokeswoman for the RCMP told HuffPost Canada by email."
Hey, how about a question the cops can answer?

How many of the Toronto shooters identified or arrested so far in 2018 have a "Restricted Firearms Licence?"


RELATED: Evidence based reality...insert alt text here
All the while, crowds of demonstrators — mostly Kavanaugh opponents — ricocheted around the Capitol’s grounds and hallways, raising tensions, chanting slogans, interrupting lawmakers’ debates, confronting senators and often getting arrested.