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22 August 2018

Your Toronto Star...

...the Sharknado of "professional" news organizations...insert alt text here
"Officers seized a sawed-off, lever-action .30-30 calibre shotgun from inside the suspected stolen vehicle."
Say what? Where can I get one of these "special" firearms? Let's ask the reporter who made the discovery...
"Claire Theobald is an Edmonton-based reporter who covers crime and the courts."
So... a crime reporter who doesn't know the difference between a rifle and a shotgun. Also... not sawed off... that's how this carbine comes from the factory.

You can contact Claire here.

NOTA BENE: It could've been worse, I suppose...insert alt text hereThankfully, no mention of a 3D printed, high capacity laser ranging bump stock. Yet.


RELATED: No gun... no problem...
A Toronto youth was on bail for an alleged armed robbery of another teen when he allegedly fatally stabbed 15-year-old Jack Meldrum in a senseless robbery near Sherway Gardens on Saturday night.

The teen was freed on $500 bail on April 13, 2018, one day after he allegedly used a knife to steal from another teen. The alleged victim cannot be identified for legal reasons.
The judge who granted this guy bail is an accessory to murder.