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20 July 2018

Tough commute this morning?

Trust me... it could've been worse...killer commute
At least 14 people were injured in the northern German city of Lübeck on Friday in an apparent knife attack on a bus, according to local media. The police confirmed that they had dispatched a "large deployment" to the scene of the crime.

The Lübecker Nachrichten newspaper wrote that 2 of the 14 people wounded were in serious condition and that the suspected perpetrator had been apprehended.

UPDATE: Don't be Muslim, don't be Muslim...

A police car that happened to be close by quickly raced to the scene, where officers captured the suspect, who was described by Luebecker Nachrichten as an Iranian in his mid-30s.

The attack comes as the country remains on high alert after several deadly Islamist extremist attacks, including one in June at a Berlin cathedral.

RELATED: Iranian, Irananian...

...that sounds so familiar...
An Iranian migrant has been jailed after he dragged a child into a dead-end road in Glasgow and forced him to his knees before raping him. According to local media, the High Court in Glasgow heard that on August 18 last year, Yones Beyranvand, 37, lured the 12-year-old boy to follow him before raping him.

Data published in September showed that more than 10,800 sexual offences were recorded in Scotland that year, the highest figure since comparable records began almost 50 years ago, and one which marked a 60 percent rise from the 6,552 reported to police in 2007/08.