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31 July 2018

Today's fake CBC news

Despite all the obvious issues, let's blame Donald Trump for 3D printed guns...insert alt text hereOf course, there are a few flies in the ointment...
"Gun industry experts have expressed doubt that criminals would go to the trouble, since the printers needed to make the guns are very expensive, the guns themselves tend to disintegrate quickly and traditional firearms are easy to come by."
But, wait... let's ask an objective source...
The settlement, which was signed in April but only took effect in late June, says that the DEFCAD files in question are "approved for public release (unlimited distribution) in any form and are exempt from the export licensing requirements of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations."

The State Department has also agreed to pay Defense Distributed's legal fees, which total nearly $40,000.
It's important to remember, this was all Obama era stuff...
The federal civil suit began more than five years ago when Cody Wilson and his group, Defense Distributed, published designs for the "Liberator," the world’s first 3D-printed handgun.

In the United States, the Supreme Court has generally rejected the concept of prior restraint.
Ted Kennedy's car has still killed more people than all the 3D printed guns in the world.


"The Liberals, in typical sleight-of-hand politics, have successfully changed the subject from Faisal Hussain and the 13 casualties, to this absurd issue."

RELATED: More Fake News
"There are a few restrictions* on magazine sizes and many concealable pistols** are prohibited."
*FACT 1... ALL rifle magazines (with the exception of .22 plinkers) are restricted to five rounds. ALL pistol magazines are restricted to ten rounds.

**FACT 2... ALL concealable handguns (a barrel length of 4 inches or less) are prohibited.

You can smell the "professional" journalism.