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08 July 2018

Remember, magic is all about misdirection

Some guy, somewhere, got shot... details at, well... never...more bang-bang
"TORONTO — Police say a man has died after a shooting in north-end Toronto on Sunday morning."
The National Post... the paper for people who don't wanna get bogged down in bothersome details.


UPDATE: The north end, my boney arse...insert alt text hereBut, of course.

UPDATE2: Meet lucky Number 53
On Sunday evening police identified the victim as 25-year-old Karim Hirani of Toronto.

LAST WORD: Diversity is our streng...

...what the f@ck...
"One in 20 Torontonians can’t speak English or French and the language barrier has greatly impeded their ability to find a job, be active in the community and enjoy a decent life, says a new study."