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24 July 2018

Rabies Vaccine Maker Faking Records

Just another curveball from the folks who... and I swear I'm not sh*ttin' you here... put melamine in baby formula...
"Premier Li Keqiang’s remarks were aimed at assuaging Chinese parents who routinely complain about worrying over fake food, milk and medicine in a society that seems to “lack a moral bottom line” — and also competent, uncorrupt regulators."

RELATED: They'll do it to their own children...

...imagine what they'll do to "devil barbarian" foreigners...
The government did not update its toll of children sickened by the milk powder, but on Wednesday it said more than 6,200 babies were ill, including 1,327 who were still in hospital and 158 with acute kidney failure.
Oh, it gets better... by which I mean worse.