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11 July 2018

Justin's People(kind) ... ongoing chronicle of stupefying incompetence...scam
Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen provided a briefing to members of the African-Canadian community at a Toronto barbecue establishment that court documents have identified it as a known hangout for members of the notorious Nigerian-based Black Axe criminal syndicate.

A sister restaurant in Ottawa was closed in 2016 after four gang-related shootings outside its doors over a three-year period. Ottawa police said there had been more than 100 calls to the Nigerian barbecue establishment.
Curiously... the Globe fails to mention that one of those shootings was a murder.
Press secretary Mathieu Genest said the minister would avoid going to the restaurant if he is invited again.

RELATED: Remember "Feldmarschall" Harjit Sajjan?

In it's never-ending campaign to celebrate anything remotely multicultural, CBC confuses "Badass" with bad liar...insert alt text hereDon't get me started on Democratic Institutions Minister Maryam Monsef.