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23 July 2018

Dear Toronto... anybody promises you...

...ponies, rainbows & pixie dust... feel free to call them a fibber...insert alt text here
According to witnesses speaking to CityTV, at least two of the victims were young females — TPS sources tell the Sun at least one of those are a nine-year-old girl reportedly shot on the back.

“Police are very concerned, and even the sergeant said the guy might have dropped explosives somewhere else.”
In a statement after the shooting, Mayor John Tory says that "Torontonians are resilient."

Note that this is the inaugural weekend of the Mayor's doubled up police shift protection scheme.


UPDATE: Death toll rises to two

Curiously, CBC has broken with their usual ironclad policy of never indicating race or ethnicity of shooters...
"He described the suspect as a white male, who was dressed in all black. Police have yet to provide a suspect description."

UPDATE2: Were women specifically targetted?
"A 10-year-old girl and an 18-year-old woman are the two people killed in the shooting rampage on the Danforth on Sunday night, police say."
The gunman shot a woman as she was trying to run away, before shooting her multiple times as she lay dying on the ground. "The guy … had this look on his face, like he was screaming at something and shooting.”

LAST WORD: Trust fund millionaire boy king...

...who travels with twelve armed bodyguards, says he'll be there for you...liar,liarGET ME SOME MEDICAL TRU-DOPE, STAT!!!