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19 June 2018

Those violent, gun-toting Swedes...

...wait a minute...diversity is our strength
COPENHAGEN – Swedish police say several people have been injured after shots were fired in Malmo, Sweden’s third-largest city Monday. Tabloid Aftonbladet quoted witnesses saying they heard what sounded like 15 to 20 shots. Witness Jonatan Burhoff told the newspaper he saw wounded people being carried to private cars that drove off “as fast as possible.”

Suburban feuds between criminal gangs fighting over territory have taken place in major Swedish cities in recent years. Aftonbladet said the shootings took place next to a police station so officers were on the scene immediately.

UPDATE: The bodycount rises...
Three people have died and several more were wounded after a gunman fired at a crowd of people in one of the main shopping streets in central Malmö Monday evening.

With 43 per cent of its population estimated to have a migrant background, Malmö has suffered from increasing levels of violent crime linked to gang warfare.