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15 June 2018

Live and don't learn... and die...

...the capricious and unknowable "Will of Allah"...Mullah FazlullahGoodbye Yosemite Samir...
Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan acknowledged that its leader had been killed and accused the Afghan intelligence service NDS, which has long been suspected by Pakistan of harbouring Mullah Fazlullah, of providing information for the drone attack.

In March, Fazlullah's son, Abdullah, was among 20 TTP armed fighters killed in a US drone attack.

Fazlullah became the leader of TTP in November 2013; following the death of Hakimullah Mehsud, who was killed in a US drone attack in North Waziristan.

MEANWHILE BACK AT THE RANCH:toronto's most wanted
"You will be caught, you will face the full weight of the justice system and you will not terrorize our city and our neighbourhoods."
Except, of course, that they just did.

More weasel words from your professional political overlords.


RELATED: The Usual Suspect
Police arrested a suspect in Toronto Thursday, June 14. Jermaine Simmonds, 25, from Scarborough is charged with careless discharge of a firearm, failing to stop for police, dangerous driving and failing to remain at the scene of an accident.

LAST WORD: I got nuthin'...
TORONTO — A 13-year-old boy is facing a murder charge after a cyclist was allegedly run down with an SUV and assaulted, er... stabbed to death, Toronto police said Friday.