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27 June 2018

Just something to think about...'re sitting down to do your taxes...insert alt text here
Buying Trans Mountain pipeline could add 36% to the federal deficit. The study by the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis says buying the Kinder Morgan Canada assets, plus planning and construction costs, will put $6.5 billion in unplanned spending on the books for the 2018-19 fiscal year.
Remember... part of Justin's deal was to give million dollar bonuses to Trans Mountain executives. Because it's 2018.


"Talked to one of my liberal sisters the other day. She hadn’t even heard of this. If it’s not in the Red Star or the CBC it didn’t happen."

LAST WORD: A bit of good news to end the day... Hollywood lose it's shit completely.

Not that the professional political left is doing much better...
Tommy Vietor, former spokesperson for President Barack Obama’s National Security Council, and co-host of the influential left-wing podcast Pod Save America, spoke for many in his party: FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK