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24 April 2018

Dear Konstantin... and Prime Minister Dressup should save your rainbows and magical pixie dust sideshow for naive, gullible pre-schoolers...insert alt text here
Konstantin Goulich, a local resident, appeared with bags of markers and rolls of cardboard from a dollar store. “Guys please come and write how you’re feeling: your wishes for the victims, if you’d like to say something. Every bit of support counts.”
Let me tell you what this idiotic display of virtue signalling means to the families and friends of the dead and horrifically maimed. That'd be SWEET... F@CK... ALL... because, unlike you & your ilk, they'll be dealing with this horror show for the rest of their lives.

Shame on the New York Times for being party to this. No wonder the rest of the world sees Canadians as infantile, milquetoast apologists for every kind of evil.

That assuredly includes random, unprovoked mass murder.


UPDATE: Don't get hopes up for justice...

...just like bus beheader & cannibal Vince Li... he'll be back on the street in a jiff...
"I had classes with him. He was mentally unstable back then. He was known to meow like a cat and try to bite people."