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08 March 2018

Winning... Five Minutes At A Time

Part of the explanation consists of simple history and mission, PragerU was founded by Dennis Prager in 2009, long before Trump appeared on the political landscape in any meaningful way. They didn’t do any “I hate Obama, he’s the Devil” videos throughout the Obama presidency, either, so why would they do pro- or anti-Trump videos now?

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Thank heavens, the university’s Levana Gender Advocacy Centre and the Education on Queer Issues Project were quick to offer their own “chill-in” in response. “There will be colouring pages, music, food and discussion,” its statement said. “People are free to come and talk/vent, eat, colour or even just sit and do work.”

That division seems just about right: Adults in the Great Hall, precious at the colouring tables and the new freedom fighters outside.