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23 March 2018

Time to, uh... "bite the bullet"...

...and embrace full-blown high school nudity...
Students at the high school—where 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz allegedly killed 17 people last month—will now be required to wear clear backpacks, a step administrators hope will ward off the threat of firearms and illegal weapons on campus.
"Ward off"... you mean like garlic necklaces for vampires?

Better yet... let's go proactive...yabbadabbado
"The superintendent of Blue Mountain School District testified to a state committee in Harrisburg last week that each classroom in the school has been equipped with a five-gallon bucket of river stone, according to WNEP."


Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale declined repeated requests for an interview...
The government will not say why Al-Yamani is still in Canada. The Immigration and Refugee Board ordered his deportation in 2005 for having been a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

The decision was upheld by the court and a 2014 Canada Border Services Agency report alleged he was a “danger to the security of Canada” who formerly led a terrorist cell that conducted a bombing.

But he’s still here.