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25 March 2018

It's only murder...

...when white guys do it...not again
One-hundred-fifty-four years ago and I still feel their spirit. I still hear those songs. I still speak their language.”

On Monday, Trudeau will absolve the Tsilhqot’in of guilt “in any way, shape or form” related to the killing of 14 construction workers in 1864...
Can absolution for the Iroquois be far behind?

Not to be a part-pooper... but didn't Confederation occur in 1867?


"I suppose we have to wait for Monday to discover how much tax money he'll be paying the descendants of the Tsilhqot'in to compensate them for their ancestors having to kill the 14 construction workers."
"Is he going to apologize for Spain's treatment of the Basques?"
So, following PM Socks logic here, if the families of Leslie Mahaffy and Kristen French were to travel to Quebec and kill Karla Homolka... Justin would be prepared to offer them legal amnesty?

Good to know.


COURTESY OF A READER: The Chilcotin Uprising of 1864
"The massacres on the Homathko, the attack on the pack train, and the killing of William Manning had now revealed the main pattern of the Chilcotin Uprising."