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29 March 2018

Diversity is our streng...

...sweet baby jebus...
TORONTO - Mauro “Cruz” Granados-Arana, sent a chilling text to his girlfriend Lori Crook the night before Fawell was brutally beaten and butchered by either a meat cleaver or axe: “Bring George. I’m gonna mincemeat him.
Mayor John Tory “promised” Nnamdi Ogba’s mother the authorities would not rest until they brought her son’s killers to justice.

Police have arrested two Toronto men — Trevaughan Miller, 19, and Abdullahi Mohamed, 22 — who both face first-degree murder charges.
Abderrahmane Bettahar, wanted in the death of 22-year-old Nadia El-Dib, was shot and killed Thursday in a traffic stop following what Mounties described as a pursuit on a stretch of Highway 16 west of Edmonton.
And finally... this is just too sad for words.