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17 March 2018

And that's a death sentence...

...for you and you and you...
The managing director of the Institute for Research and Development on Inclusion and Society, which advocates for people with disabilities, calls the case “profoundly disturbing.”

“I think it reflects concerns that a number of ethicists and legal experts across the country have been expressing about the lack of safeguards in the system. This is the problem: medical assistance in dying is come to be seen as another health care intervention when that was never the vision for this.”
Of course, not everybody agrees... I mean, just ask a Justice Minister...
In a statement to CTV News, federal Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould said the assisted dying legislation “protects our most vulnerable, while also providing for safe and consistent access to medical assistance in dying for Canadians across Canada.”

“We intend to defend the legislation, which is a fair and reasonable law that respects Charter rights.”