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12 February 2018

Gerald Stanley Trial... addendum...
The last 5 chiefs of Red Pheasant have been Larry Wuttunee, Stewart Baptiste, Charles Meechance, Sheldon Wuttunee, Clint Wuttunee.

Oh and if you google each chief's name, it seems armed robbery and assault are a familial occupation.
And another...
"If a person is to be tried for a crime, he is to have some opportunity not to be tried by 12 sociology professors, or by 12 adherents of the ruling political party, or by 12 cousins of the richest man in town."

RELATED: Justin's Scoobydoo Justice System

Forget the rule of law says Shiny Pony...
There is not a potential juror in Saskatchewan who does not now know that the Prime Minister, the Justice Minister, and the Minister responsible for Indigenous Services, believe that Colten Boushie’s family did not get justice, and that Gerald Stanley should be sitting in a jail cell today to await his sentencing hearing.
But wait... it gets much, much better.


UPDATE: Justin's "racist" jury system...
“You could audibly hear some of them talking amongst themselves, discussing how they were going to hang Stanley, or they were going to make sure he gets hung, or that if they don’t get the results they want, that they were going to handle it themselves.”

Interesting comment from a poster at the Stanley trial...

I have friends who attended the trial and what was not entered as evidence was: surveillance video from approx. 2 AM the same day showed these young people robbing the liquor store in Cut Knife, and later that day they were kicked out of the Maymont bar for disorderly conduct, plus the farm where the stock on their rifle was broken due to attempting to break a truck window, and other vehicle prowling was done cost that farmer more than $4900.