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22 February 2018

From the folks who brought you...

...Colten Boushie...
They are not a new council,” Good said. “There is a new Chief, but he has been on council for three or four terms now. It’s the same names, same people and the same lack of progress or initiative that we’ve seen there for decades.”
Boushie, Boushie... that sounds so familiar.


BREAKING: New aboriginal shitstorm coming


RELATED: Meet CNN's 'random high school student'


LAST WORD: In other "Indian" news...

...Justin sure has some pathetic, whiny friends...
"Atwal said it was unfair to raise his criminal conviction for shooting visiting Punjabi cabinet minister Malkiat Singh Sidhu on Vancouver Island in 1986 given how long ago the crime occurred, Canada Postmedia said."

"He blamed 'enemies' for circulating the photos."
Oh, waaaaah!

P.S. - "Atwal later admitted to the parole board that he was the shooter that day, the report said."