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05 February 2018

Another story you won't see...

...on Canada's taxpayer-supported "national broadcaster"...
Nearly 50 years ago, the Watergate scandal forced a president from office. The Left thought it could do it again. But the Nunes memo—and the millions of documents and hundreds of hours of interviews behind it—makes clear that rogue elements within the FBI and Justice Department broke the law in an attempt to use the police power of the United States government first to throw the election to Hillary Clinton and then to destroy the presidency of Donald Trump.

This cannot stand. There must be consequences. And they must be swift, public, and severe.

RELATED: Crack CBC investigative team...

...nowhere to be seen...

It's not like she actually grabbed him by the pussy... well, you know...
"In 2002, former Toronto mayoral candidate Sarah Thomson offered to sleep with former media baron Conrad Black in exchange for an interview. In 2013, she told the Star the comment was made as a joke."
Sauce for the goose?