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28 January 2018

I want my socialised medicine...

...and I'm putting my foot down...shithole
"Zytner said his request for the drugs was denied. “They said our case wasn’t severe enough to get the medication.” Health Canada has put ivermectin and albendazole on its Special Access Programme, meaning that they can only be obtained by federal approval on a case-by-case basis."
Perhaps, in Justin Castraux's "post-national" state... the parasites will balance themselves.

Call me cynical, but I suspect if these were Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau's tootsies... the deworming meds would be flown in on a government jet.


RELATED: I guess it could always be worse...
The family of two Winnipeg seniors killed in their vacation home in Jamaica say the couple's bodies should be back in Canada by Wednesday.