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24 January 2018

Fairy Tales from "The Hood"

I guess, even the unrepentant SJWs at CTV realised they had gone a Teletubbie too far...pander time
"The last time I saw him we were in church,” Pearl Clarke told CTV News Toronto about a week after her son's death. “He came and sat beside me and gave me a big hug and he kissed me on my forehead and said, 'Mommy, I love you and I really want to change my life.'"
And then somebody blew him away.

The revised article on the CTV webpage has entirely excised the "22 year-old banger channels preschooler" shtick. I can't imagine why.


RELATED: Teh Chilldrun is r Fuchur

From the Comments: "Be on the lookout for young people hacking up their innards while simultaneously blowing bubbles out their arses."