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25 January 2018

CBC asks... "What Hijab hoax?"

Just give me more gossip about Patrick Brown's penis...
"The PCs then enjoyed a wide lead over Wynne's Liberals in nearly all opinion polls throughout 2016 and 2017, while his party out-fundraised the Liberals and the Ontario NDP combined. With Brown's face splashed on the cover of the platform, and the election campaign due to begin in early May, the party will be scrambling to get back on track."

"CBC News has not independently confirmed the allegations."
But apparently has no trouble propagating them.

You've just gotta love the timing here.


UPDATE 1:49pm: CBC lubes up the narrative...
The woman, who CBC News has agreed not to identity due to the sexual nature of her complaint, worked for Brown in 2013 when she was 19 years old. She said Brown told her she would "look good on an elephant."
All of which didn't stop her from working for Brown the summer after the incident.


RELATED: One man's alleged perviness... another man's fairy tale romance...
"Pierre Trudeau met Margaret Sinclair while on vacation in Tahiti in 1967. 'I was 18, sitting with my parents, probably in my little bikini,' Margaret told the Globe and Mail's Jan Wong in 1997."

RELATED2: Ask Premier Wynndfarm...
"The situations were confidential, so I’m not going to go into details."
So Liberals in Ontario get to fly under the radar?


LAST WORD: What's a modern gal to do?