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13 December 2017

This sounds less like... intentional community... than an off-Broadway production of Grand Theft Auto V...its a liberal thing
Cocaine, marijuana and tens of thousands of dollars in cash were used to bribe voters in a recent Saskatchewan First Nation election. A 19-page report obtained by CBC News concluded there is "no doubt" vote-buying occurred during the April 20 election at Mosquito Grizzly Bear's Head Lean Man First Nation.

An Indigenous Services Canada official confirmed the report's authenticity.

Mosquito has been plagued by frequent election and governance problems. Vote-buying was discovered in its 2013 and 2015 elections, and several Mosquito officials have been convicted of fraud related to band funds.
CBC does attempt to take some of the sting out of the report...
This appears to be the first time drugs have been linked to the vote buying.
Sadly, this type of (cough, cough) malfeasance appears to be fairly widespread...
"No, that's not a parody of the Twelve Days of Christmas."

"It's a list of Kanesatake Mohawk Police weapons that have disappeared."