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01 December 2017

The New Journalism

Remember... these days, in Justin's post-national state, descriptions of the folks involved are entirely unnecessary...
Police say that a suspect who opened fire on a taxi in the downtown core early Friday morning was likely targeting a male customer seated inside. They say that bullets struck the drivers-side door and drivers-side window of the taxi.

The taxi sped away from the scene after the shooting and ended up near Yonge Street and Dundas Street, where the customer got out and fled the scene without paying.
He didn't pay? Well, there's the lede.


RELATED: Two words... Robert... Mugabe

You know what? I'll put the Toronto Police Department up against any country in Africa... and they'll come out smelling like proverbial roses...except in the Toronto media, I'm guessing...
The Ontario Human Rights Commission launched the probe into the Toronto police department on Thursday. The inquiry will look at policing practices between January 2010 and June 2017 to see if they discriminated against the black community.
I'm guessing the verdict is already going through it's first draft.