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28 December 2017

The Big "Shiny Pony" Fix

Justin Trudeau's Liberal Party think they've identified what's wrong with Canada...
Canadian citizenship applications surge after government relaxes language, residency rules. 17,500 applications filed in week after requirements revised, compared with 3,653 in an average week.
If only Canada could be more like, say... Yemen. Good to know the government is on that.

Of course, those aren't the only changes...
"The report said that to meet Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s election campaign promise to bring in 25,000 Syrian refugees by the end of 2015, changes were made to the screening process."

"The screening period was shortened to 96 hours from 30 days, for example."
Yay, social justice.... you go Justin!


RELATED: They'll do this to each other...

...what'll they do to your infidel ass?
Suicide bomb attack kills dozens in Kabul, Afghanistan, on Thursday.