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04 December 2017

One of the world's great cities... under siege... and apparently they're helpless to stop it...diversity is our strength
London (AFP) - The British capital saw 454 acid attacks reported last year, up from 261 in 2015 and 166 the year before.
How long before we start seeing this sort of thing in North America?
The gallery will be exhibiting the IN/VISIBLE project by Ann-Christine Woehrl for the week, which captures the faces and stories of women who have survived attacks with acid.

The women aren’t from London, where headlines are currently focused, but from countries where the incidence of acid attacks is alarmingly high – Bangladesh, Uganda, Cambodia, Nepal, India, and Pakistan.

RELATED: Getting ahead of the pitch...
The U.S. pulled out of a global pact on migration and refugees Saturday, informing the United Nations that it will make decisions independently about who is allowed to come to the U.S.
President Donald Trump’s travel ban is once again to largely go back into effect after the Supreme Court of the United States stayed two lower courts’ injunctions Monday.

LAST WORD: Pretty, pretty please...
Germany wants to support rejected asylum-seekers who voluntarily move back to their home countries with a one-time payment of 3,000 euros ($3,570).

The Interior Ministry says those who qualify can apply by a Feb. 28 deadline.