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21 December 2017

Diversity is our streng...

...sweet baby jebus...religion of peace
Police in the heavily-migrant populated Swedish city of Malmö backtracked after warning young women not to go out alone at night in no-go zones after a brutal rape in which some claim a 17-year-old girl had her abdomen set on fire.
Because we sure wouldn't want to run the risk of hurting anybody's feelings, I guess.

But wait, there's more...
The frequency of acid attacks in London has turned parts of the British capital into “no go zones”, a former Labour minister has said.

The United Kingdom has “the highest rate of attacks per capita” in the world, claimed Stephen Timms, Labour MP for East Ham.

RELATED: And PM Justin al-Trudeau apparently agrees...root causes
Last month, Trudeau said he wants to work with ISIS fighters and “help them to let go of that terrorist ideology."
Wait a minute...
CTV notes that, in promoting rehabilitation for these individuals, Trudeau is contradicting Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale, who recently expressed pessimism at reforming jihadist individuals with battleground experience.