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27 December 2017

Because it's 2017... right?

Orwell was right... some animals are more equal than others...
A pay hike for female faculty at Wilfrid Laurier University, made in the name of all that is sacred — fairness for women — has created a brand new wage inequity.

In the small finance group at the university’s business and economics school, for instance, the two women who were hired at the same time as male colleagues and paid the same, received a raise of about $6,000 each, leaving the 13 men far behind.

The joint university/faculty committee that purported to find evidence of systemic wage discrimination had no male faculty members. Interestingly, three of the female members were associate professors and one a full professor, meaning they were among the beneficiaries of their own work.

"Think of it as danger pay. They never know when someone is going to jump out at them with a differing opinion."