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10 November 2017

Why aren't politicians worried about...

...the kids who aren't continuously and heedlessly slamming poison into their veins?
The needles are over here!”

That was the surprising and concerning direction I received today from a group of elementary students from St. Michael’s Choir School. The parking lot beside their playground has been riddled with used syringes for months.

They also directed me to the rock garden right beside the school’s front doors on Bond Street, where we found yet another syringe as students walked past to go for lunch.

We found more used needles in a nearby laneway and on the sidewalk. All just steps from The Works, Toronto’s first safe injection site.
Because... junkies.

RELATED: Forget about neurologists...

...we gotta save all those idiots who are killing themselves...
A drug-checking device that's the first of its kind in Canada is going to be tested in Vancouver — the epicentre of the province's unprecedented overdose crisis.

The device, called a Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectrometer (FTIR), allows people to anonymously submit samples of street drugs to be tested for opioids, stimulants and other drugs like MDMA.
Remember Campbellford Mayor Hector MacMillian?wynningOntario Liberals will pay for IVF or a new vagina... but not to remove a cancerous tumour.

Don't look at me... I didn't vote for them.