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20 November 2017

What passes for news... Canada's national broadcaster...deaf, blind and dumb
"Gaitrie Persaud didn't think she could go see Jay Z perform in Toronto next week — not because she's deaf but because she didn't know if the venue would provide the sign language interpreter she requires."
Let's ramp this up fellas... I'm sure, somewhere out there, there's a two-spirited blind guy in a wheelchair who's being denied access to the National Portrait Gallery.

All disabilities... all the time.


RELATED: It gets better...
"Last Saturday, for example, I had to reach rapidly for the dial when I heard that the CBC’s idea of celebrating the country’s war dead on Remembrance Day was to run a program on the internment of Japanese and Italian Canadians."
Much better...
The Prime Minister's apology is expected to be the most comprehensive ever offered by any national government for past persecution of sexual minorities.
Sweet baby jebus... I'm moving to Texas.


LAST WORD: News or not news?
"Now the big question is how is it that a teller can be shot in the leg and it doesn’t get coverage."
Yes... why would Toronto media gloss over this story?