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01 November 2017

Orwell was right

Some animals are more special than others...truedope
The commissioners produced 10 recommendations in its report, including a call for the creation of a "commemoration fund," that would help families remember their lost loved ones.

It also endorsed the idea of providing compensation to the families of a missing or murdered women through the creation of a "healing fund."
Remember, this doesn't apply to non-aboriginal persons, or apparently even aboriginal men, who are murdered in far greater numbers than their female counterparts.

Note also that the Truth and Reconciliation Commission had five years to carry out its work... and they'll be asking for an extension.

Of course, they've blown through a $60-million budget and a five-year mandate which was later extended for an additional year.

Nice work if you can get it.


RELATED: Was this even an issue?
Crucially for a prevailing stereotype related to the issue, nearly 90 per cent of murders of aboriginal women were solved, a rate that barely differed from that of non-aboriginal women (88 versus 89 per cent).

Of the 2,500 murdered aboriginal Canadians, murdered in Canada between 1982 and 2011, fully 71 per cent — 1,750 — were male, and 745 were female.

LAST WORD: Trudeau government goes "full vajayjay"
Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland unveiled Ottawa’s action plan on women, peace and security Wednesday, saying that a “feminist foreign policy” is needed now more than ever in the face of “angry reactionary movements.”
And while we're on policy...
OTTAWA -- Immigration to Canada is set to increase over the next three years to 340,000 people a year by 2020 under the federal Liberal government's new multi-year approach to admissions planning.

The immigration plan released Wednesday will see immigration levels climb from 300,000 people a year this year to 310,000 in 2018 and 330,000 in 2019.