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23 November 2017

Hopefully, one of these days...

...they'll actually come up with a pasty white perp...
"Administrators at a Missouri high school announced Tuesday that a “non-white” student confessed to school officials that she was responsible for writing “White Lives Matter” on a mirror inside a girls’ bathroom."

RELATED: Don't get smug, Canada...'s happening here too...
"Shepherd’s supervising professor, Nathan Rambukkana, even told Shepherd that by showing the video clip neutrally, without the now-requisite denunciation of Peterson, it was basically akin to 'neutrally playing a speech by Hitler' …”

LAST WORD: Meanwhile, in actual verifiable crime news...

They know his height... and what he was wearing...
"Police have described a suspect wanted in connection with the incident as a five-foot-nine to five-foot-10 male with a slim build. He was wearing dark clothing at the time."
Sorry... that's as far as a "professional" journalist is willing to go.