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06 November 2017

Because... Africa

"The US special forces detachment ambushed in the Niger last month fought alone for hours after the local Nigerien forces they were accompanying fled in the first minutes of the engagement."

"Four US Green Berets and five Nigerien troops died in the incident."
Lest you imagine this was an isolated incident of the outrageous inhumanity, perfidy and faithlessness of African militaries and militias...
The atmosphere was to grab whatever you could, do whatever you liked. Government soldiers and allied militias were told they could rape and loot, instead of being paid.

RELATED: Free at last, free at last...

...thank gawd, I'm free at... sweet baby jebus...
The clinical director at the Teddy Bear Clinic, Dr Shaheda Omar, said more education was needed to dispel the myth that raping children or having sex with a virgin was a cure for HIV. According to statistics provided by Solidarity Helping Hand Women in Action, a woman is raped every 17 seconds in South Africa.
Don't get me started on what these people do to albinos.