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16 November 2017

And St-Ignace in Huronia...

...will be renamed... "Big Missionary Stew"...
To prevent him from speaking more, they cut off his tongue, and both his upper and lower lips. After that, they set themselves to strip the flesh from his legs, thighs, and arms, to the very bone; and then put it to roast before his eyes, inorder to eat it.
And then there's this...
If a group of First Nations get their wish, Calgary will be renamed Wichispa Oyade — Stoney Nakoda terms that roughly translate to mean "Elbow Town."

Ron Kelland, program co-ordinator, said the application will be evaluated in a process that will include public consultations.
I suspect regular readers know where I stand on this sort of argle-bargle.


"How do they plan to spell it? Using white privilege language."