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20 September 2017

No more metal cutlery...

...for you, or you, or...
Just when you think school officials have banned everything, they target cartwheels.

A school in the northern Ontario town of Callander, not far from North Bay, has issued a draft handbook of playground rules for the 2017-18 school year – and among the prohibited activities is the common feet-to-hands-to-feet flip.

No reported injuries prompted the ban, said Todd Gribbon, principal at M.T. Davidson public school... BUT... “The activity can cause concussions, and neck and wrist injuries.”

RELATED: Of course it's not as stupid as...
Students at San Diego State University have the opportunity to earn extra credit by determining their personal level of “white privilege.”

"It`s a good thing they haven`t found an historic cesspool... that could cost a few more millions.