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08 September 2017

In PM Selfie's "post national" state...

...government supplied dope is a necessity... independence, not so much...liar,liar
"Imagine my surprise when I received a call from the Ministry of Children and Family Development (the Canadian equivalent of America’s Child Protective Services)."

UPDATE: Justin's other mom steps up...

insert alt text hereSo, any entreprenuerial kid who can pass for 19 has just cut out the gangbanger middleman and can resell to the rest of his cohort? Sounds a lot less scary to me. Thanks a lot, Liberal Party.

But don't think this will be a boon for free enterprise...
The government also promised to close the illegal shops like Cannabis Culture that have sprouted across the province. “If you operate one of these facilities, consider yourself on notice,” said Attorney General Yasir Naqvi.
Well, maybe not everybody...
Down Highway 401 at Tyendinaga, near Belleville, the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte are also grappling with the marijuana issue, said Chief Donald Maracle. Unregulated pot shops have opened on the reserve but police haven’t tried to shut any of them down.
As Orwell said, "some animals are more equal than others."


MONTREAL — Liberal Party of Canada CFO Chuck Rifici has become a multimillionaire in just a few months thanks to his stock-traded medical marijuana company, QMI Agency has learned.

Documents show Rifici's initial investment in Tweed Marijuana Inc. has so far sprouted into an $18-million bumper crop.
George Smitherman, a former Ontario Liberal deputy premier... is a promoter of marijuana facility THC Meds Ontario Inc. Mr. Smitherman said, “I don’t think we are going toward a model where legalization means you should grow some stuff in your backyard.”
Funny how that works.


LAST WORD: A fly in the miracle ointment...
Health Canada says it will begin random testing of medical marijuana products to check for the presence of banned pesticides after product recalls affecting nearly 25,000 customers led to reports of illnesses and the possibility of a class action lawsuit.
From the folks who brought you the Phoenix payroll system.