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26 September 2017

I'm more than a little surprised...

... no one is making the obvious comparison...
The disgraced ex-congressman broke down crying as he was sentenced to 21 months in prison Monday for convincing a high school student to undress and touch herself via Skype in 2016.

In addition to his prison stint, Weiner was also sentenced to pay a $10,000 fine for his crime, participate in sex offender outpatient treatment program and spend three years on supervised release once his sentence is up.
Weiner's "white privilege" didn't help him out at all.


COMPARE AND CONTRAST: Here in the Great White North...

...we do things a little differently...
OTTAWA — Senate ethics officer Lyse Ricard concluded that Senator Meredith, a 52-year-old, married, Pentecostal minister, had begun a relationship with a 16-year-old girl that later became sexual.

The Senate ethics committee is recommending that disgraced Sen. Don Meredith be expelled for engaging in a sexual relationship with a teenage girl — the first such recommendation in the history of the upper chamber.

Senator Don Meredith will receive a $25,000 annual payout for life even if he is expelled from the Senate. That pension payout relates to his roughly six years of Senate service.
So, to recap... Weiner... hard time for sexting on his cellphone... Meredith... cash for life for actually seducing a teenage girl.